All posts by jonesrr

Week of Aug. 31st- Sept.4th

Hello all! This week, we will wrap up Unit 1 over Numerical Representations.

Monday- Review Quiz/ Homework assignment in Quizizz over Converting Decimals, Fractions and Percents (due Wednesday)

Tuesday- Absolute Value Cut and Paste Activity

Wednesday- Unit 1 Study Guide

Thursday- Unit 1 Study Guide

Friday- TEST

Please make sure that you study for your test!

Week of August 24th- 28th

Hello everyone! We have been busy learning about rational numbers the last 2 weeks! We will have our first quiz on Thursday. Here is the agenda for this week:

Monday- Converting Fraction to Decimals

Tuesday- Converting Fractions, Decimals and Percents Color activity. THIS WILL BE HOMEWORK IF NOT FINISHED IN CLASS.

Wednesday- Ordering Rational Numbers. THIS WILL BE HOMEWORK IF NOT FINISHED IN CLASS.

Thursday- Ordering Rational Numbers Quiz

Friday- Absolute Value activity.


First Week of School

Welcome to the 2020/2021 school year! I am excited to get started with our school year and cannot wait to meet all of my amazing kiddos! Here are our lesson plans for this week.

8/10 Monday- Welcome Back! Introduction and set up math journals.

8/11 Tuesday- Rules and Procedures

8/12 Wednesday- Work station expectations.

8/13 Thursday- Set up Chromebooks

8/14 Friday- Practice using Google Classroom and Edgenuity. Please return “Blog Subscription” letter.

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone! School will be starting next week, and I am SO excited to get to meet you! I hope to have a chance to meet you all at Meet the Teacher tomorrow. For those that cannot make it, please subscribe to my blog by entering your email address on the left side toolbar of my blog page. You can also sign up for reminders for my class through Remind 101 by using this link:

I’ll see you all soon!!